After reading previous post,  “8 TYPES OF GIRLS THAT GUYS WOULD TRAVEL WITH” , it would be unfair if we don’t listen what the girls think about this issue. So far, I can see that both guys and girls share almost the same type of ideal travel mate. But since girls are from Venus, as John Gray said, they do add some more spices on her opinion, I can tell 😀

Now Gentlemen, this is your turn to listen carefully on what actually girls want from you guys before accepting your invitation to travel together.


1. Open minded (72%)

He has to have a wide knowledge and extra curiosity about the tourism sites he’s going to visit–Farah

Girls hate the guys who act as if they know everything but in fact they pathetically don’t. Girls are going to lose respect from the guy who pretends to be able to read map but then leads them to nowhere. Girls will appreciate somebody who acknowledges his weaknesses and wants to learn new thing, somebody who could adapt to any culture shock and somebody who accepts differences and tolerance.

2. Humorous n funny (40%)

Well, guys, we don’t have to act like a fool as Mr.Bean or Jack Sparrow. Girls just need light jokes which would color her trip when boredom attacks. Some girls are not really into serious and tedious travel mates who always show their flat boring face. It’s their holiday, so make her day then!

3. Helpful and Caring (35%)

At least, guys should try to be somebody who knows what to do when the other needs favor. Girls hate selfishness and they want us to be more social-minded. A little help in need is a catchy and attractive action indeed 🙂

4. Independent and full of responsibility (25%)

No matter how strong the girls are in the outside, they will just remain fragile girls in the inside. They will still seek for reliable guys they could count on. Hence, they want an independent guy who are capable of managing himself before later managing any circumstance when traveling.

5. Not a Mr. complaint (22%)

Some girls do admit that they themselves are already being such complicated creatures. Therefore, for them,  guys doesn’t need to share the same “madness”. They hate when guys are acting so picky and started to complaint any tiny things–literally any! They feel screwed when we complain the meals, the bunk bed, the weather, the tiredness, the journey etc.

6. Adventurous (20%)

Someone who is willing to try out new things and who is up for an adventure–Marriane

FYI, girls also think that adventurous is now term for “sexy”. Abs might sometimes turn them on. But dude, let me tell you something, the greatest aphrodisiac is not on the six pack thing. It’s all about the activity! What are more fascinating for numbers of girl than starring at a  guy who is climbing the steep cliffs, trekking the mountain or riding the wave on surf board, regardless of his body type!


Photo taken from: http://www.moonclimbing.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Andrea-climbs-Le-portatrici-di-sale-7b+-Champorcher.jpg

7. Full of respect (15%)

Girls need some restricted space called respect, no matter how close you both are. They might want to be cuddled when getting exhausted, they might let your joke blows their mind when the trip is boring. But in the end they still want you to treat them respectfully as a dignified lady. You have to knows some DOs and DON’Ts which are applied if you still expect the second or third incoming trip.

8. Stay Alert on the Look (10%)

For us some guys, being a backpacker is all about messy look, so we don’t really care whether we haven’t taken shower or haven’t changed our clothes for weeks. But for some girls, appearance sometimes matters. Well, we don’t need to be super neat as in suit and tie. But at least, we don’t keep too much “disturbing fragrance” from our body for couple days.

8 Types of Girls that Guys would Travel With

Traveling with the opposite sex friends indeed leaves a different sensation. Sometimes it ends up as a partner in life, but frequently also you just ought to be complacent to remain good friend. Or the worst is, both of you are pledged that, for god sake, this would be the first and the last time you both travel together.

Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus, as John Gray says. A full committed understanding is required to create such harmony in every term. Survey has been conducted by me, 100 guys and 100 girls have revealed out what kind of ideal opposite sex friend that they would love to travel with. Here in first session, let’s hear what guys want from the girls before bringing them to the adventurous travel world.

So ladies, please pay a good attention.

1. Simple  and not Fussy 76%

Guys like girls who don’t behave excessively, ask too much and accept every thing the way it is. Remember, most of men don’t listen, so get over it. Don’t be grumpy. Men’s ears aren’t made for listening such long and tedious complaint.


pic taken from http://info.russian-women.net/russian-women/Activity/Russian-women-Activity-pictures-46.shtml

2. Independent and Tough (59%)

Most of men do love pampering women, but not when traveling. Men want an independent women who dare to accept challenges. Although men will protect without being asked, however, at least girls should be able to protect themselves when in need.

3. Adaptable, Flexible n Sociable (53%)

Guys love to travel with girls who can get through any condition, get used to any sudden change, and for sure, can interact with many people. They understand and apply the Dos and DONTs and they appreciate every differences they meet.


4. Smart and Loving the Discussion (32%)

Smart girls turn traveler men really on. Men can be very enthusiastic to discuss travel plans They will be mersmerized by your idea, critizise it and ask you to find the solution together. Isn’t it fun to arrange the itinerary together, where to go and what to do?

5. Adventurous (30%)

Adventurous is nowaday term for sexy. Men will feel  extremmely burnt to see a sweaty girls with messy and muddy look than a full touched up lady. Girls who climb the mountain will look hotter than girls who hang out at the mall.

6. Good Looking (18%)

It’s undeniable that appearance could tempt the guys easily. But chill girls, for most traveler men, beauty is just bonus. Therefore the percentage could only reach minimum number.

7. One vision (15%)

Differences would color the journey, but one vision will make all running smooth and easy. Men sometimes hate arguing the girls, therefore, when everything goes inline, men will enjoy the trip more.

8. Not a Shopaholic (12%)

Hunting midnight year end sale in Hongkong or buying cheapy souvenirs in Chatuchak market could burn your spirit, girls. But remember, most of men don’t shop and their legs aren’t made for following you from shop to shop. Their patience aren’t made for waiting for you testing the whole outfit from boutique to boutique.

How Taboo Mainstream Destination is?

Have you ever had those words popping up from your mouth when visiting a touristic place? You felt like, arghh, no no, it’s waaay too mainstream for me, half of the world visited this place, I am an exclusive traveler, I won’t do what ordinary traveler with an ordinary though will do.


Gaping our mouth as if we hold the water, one of popular pose when taking picture in Merlion Singapore (Om Ted’s property)


The legendary pose, holding the falling Pisa 😀

Take an example, what’s on your mind when hearing Kuta beach? Petronas Twin Tower? Eiffel Tower? Taj Mahal? One word, for sure, to describe all those sites, “TOURISTY!” And other words to explain “TOURISTY word”, crowded! And the worst definition I ever got from some people, by saying “TOURISTY”, the place must have been very ordinary, nothing really special, or maybe it supposed to be special until thousands people come and pay a visit.

Some people may say, why visiting tower of Pisa and doing the tradition “as if you hold the tower in order not to get it fallen” photo session? Or, does it worth to pay USD 20 one day tour ticket to Angkor Wat, Cambodia.  Or, will you visit “a must visit iconic tourism site” to show people that you’ve been to a country?


Petronas Twin Tower, how Mainstream this site is?

The next question comes up. What if we ever did all those “MAINSTREAM” things, is it taboo? Does it turn you to become an average level of traveler who has a very lame sense of deciding what epic  tourism site should be visited? Does it mean that by visiting an  undiscovered site, you become more special than the one who could just spend their time in touristy destination?

Most of the reason why people avoid touristy destination is because they don’t want to be equated. Yeah, it’s natural when person want to be differed and treated exclusively. For travelers too, they feel that visiting an ordinary place, doing the common thing which most traveler will do is not so special and will not leave such perfect impression. Therefore they’d rather visit Sungei Road Thieves Market than greeting Merlion in Singapore, or maybe they will go to the Ancient Observatory than spending the whole day climbing Great Wall in Beijing.

Also, mostly people who avoid touristy destination have more time compared to the other. They have more time to google unique/ weird/ unusual/ non-mainstream places, they have more time to explore even the corner of the city to find something hidden. Meanwhile some who doesn’t really have much time should be satisfied by just visiting the popular sites.

Then again, back to the question, what if we don’t have opportunity to be a non-mainstream traveler? is our trip boring? Aren’t we allowed to be proud of our ordinary travel records?

What Kind of Travel Mate Fits You?

1. Super Model


Taking self pics every where, one spot with thousand angles and thousand styles. Go from a place, take self picture, move to another place, take another picture. If you are ready to travel with this kind of traveler, you are so ready to become their private photographer.

2. Photographer Pro


They take pictures every where too, but you will rarely find them selves on the frame. Yup, beaches, mountains, valleys, paddy field, cultures, people, animals, plants are the object. Just be patience, when you need to spend more time to let them getting their best shoots.

3. Grumbler

The food tastes suck, the room is dirty, the view is so-so, the beach is lame, the show is boring, I got this scenery on my backyard, the locals are rude, the bla-bla is dooh-dooh. They will complain everything they meet during the trip. Nothing can entertain them.

4. Loner


No matter, whether they are with their friend, or they are solo traveler, they will avoid the crowd. Instead of hanging out with the other, they will remain in the room, or they will go somewhere without companion. Instead of socializing with locals, they will just have a conversation with their beers in the corner of no where.

5. Soc-Med Butterfly


Don’t worry to lose any update from this kind of travel mate. Every single inch of  their movement from one to other place, every food their eat, every place they visit, every new people they meet, every shitty thing they experience, every souvenir they buy, you will easily find out. Add them on FB and like their fanpage, follow them on Twitter, Path or Instagram. Subscribe them on Youtube and you can get the hottest issue about them.

6. Clown

Traveling with these guys will make you forget how many days you are actually spending when traveling. What you just realize is, you meet them, the trip is on, you laugh with them, you have fun at the place, and suddenly the trip is over. Yup, this clown type of traveler will never let you down, getting bored or daydreaming. They never run out of jokes and silly acts to make you enjoy the holiday.

7. Travel Organizer

If you travel with these kind of guys, your holiday will run happily ever after. They will sincerely arrange the itinerary, the budget, things to bring, what to wear, inform the DOs and DONTs, the transport to take and etc. All you have to do is following the plan and preparing the budget as told. Trust me, they know better than any tour operator, since they might do the survey in months or even in a year prior!

8. Mr. “I Don’t Care, I just Want to Spend My Holiday”


This is the ideal travel mate you want to have. They don’t mind the itinerary, they don’t care how messed the hostel is, they don’t care if they have to walk for hours to reach a place, they don’t care if they have to sleep at the airport, they don’t care if they have to eat street foods. What they really care is, they have their holiday and no body tries to mess it.